Tag Archives: Agriculture

CSA: A Bountiful Return on Investment

In a world of uncertain economic times, why not invest in something that is guaranteed to have a positive and sustainable impact on your health, home, community, and your plate? If this sounds good to you, then you may be a perfect candidate for Community Supported Agriculture (CSA).

CSA’s are a fantastic way for the public to purchase fresh produce while creating a relationship with a local farm. The way a CSA works is the public can become members (aka Shareholders) of the CSA by paying up front for the week, month, or season of food depending on the CSA. In return the members receive a weekly box of seasonal produce! Some CSAs even offer meats, eggs, and flowers in their boxes. Like all investments CSAs come with risk, but a very minimal one since members share the risks of farming such as poor harvests or pests.

For urban dwellers who do not have the option or time to garden CSA’s offer a fantastic opportunity to support local farms and get fresh seasonal produce in return. CSA’s are becoming increasingly popular across the country and groups like MyFarm out of San Francisco are finding ways to make CSA’s even more sustainable and community oriented by creating a dispersed urban farm across the city in people’s backyards. Check out a video on them below.

To find local CSAs in your area visit Local Harvest a great site that promotes farming and community.

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